Key Feature

Powerful features

Upcoming features

The upcoming mobile app feature displaying crime area ratings enhances safety and decision-making for gig, home delivery, and healthcare drivers.

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Premium services of
our application

Address Search

Offenders Address Search

At Offenders Address Trace, we understand the importance of safety and staying informed about your surroundings. Our powerful "Offenders Address Search" feature is designed to provide you with quick and accurate information about registered offender addresses in your area.

  • Easy And Quick Search Experience

  • Real-Time Address Suggestions

  • 750k+ Offenders Addresses

Screenshot of reverse phone number lookup feature of mobile app
Phone Number Details

Reverse Phone Number Lookup

Take your safety to the next level by searching for phone number details through our reverse phone number lookup feature. Quickly identify and assess unknown callers.

  • Phone number owner name

  • Gender & Age range

  • Current and historical addresses

Screenshot of offender address search feature of mobile app

Explore Your Search History

Curious about your past offender address searches? Offenders Address Trace makes it easy for you to revisit and analyze your search history with our dedicated "Search History" feature. Discover the benefits of this unique tool and how it can enhance your experience.

  • Track Your Searches

  • Review Results

  • Plan Your Actions

Screenshot of searc history feature of mobile app
Quick & easy

How it works in 3 steps


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Android and IOS


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Our app provided free trial for
3 Offender Address Searches, Sign up free
for trial


Subscribe to premium plan

Basic and Pro

Subscribe monthly or yearly to get
most amazing app experience


Davis Miller

Uber Eats

Offenders Address Trace has revolutionized the way we approach safety. The accuracy and speed of the offender address search are unparalleled. It's an indispensable tool that ensures our team's well-being, and we highly recommend it to anyone who prioritizes safety.

Conor O'Neil


Offenders Address Trace is a game-changer in ensuring a secure environment. The real-time address suggestions and reverse phone number lookup have become essential components of our security strategy.

Robert Smith


Offenders Address Trace has become an integral part of our safety protocols. The ease of use, coupled with the comprehensive features like search history, provides us with a powerful tool to maintain a secure environment.


Our subscription plans



$0.00 /account

  • Offender Address Search (3 Searches)

  • Data security

  • Reverse Phone Number Lookup

  • 24/7 Support


For Individual

$8.99 /Monthly

  • Offender Address Search (25 Searches)

  • Data security

  • Reverse Phone Number Lookup

  • 24/7 Support


For team

$14.99 /Monthly

  • Offender Address Search (25 Searches)

  • Data security

  • Reverse Phone Number Lookup (25 Searches)

  • 24/7 Support



$0.00 /account

  • Offender Address Search (3 Searches)

  • Data security

  • Reverse Phone Number Lookup

  • 24/7 Support


For Individual

$99.99 /Annualy

  • Offender Address Search (Unlimited Searches)

  • Data security

  • Reverse Phone Number Lookup

  • 24/7 Support


For team

$174.99 /Annualy

  • Offender Address Search (Unlimited Searches)

  • Data security

  • Reverse Phone Number Lookup (Unlimited Searches)

  • 24/7 Support



$0.00 /account

  • Offender Address Search (3 Searches)

  • Data security

  • Reverse Phone Number Lookup

  • 24/7 Support


For Individual

$24.99 /Quarterly

  • Offender Address Search (185 Searches)

  • Data security

  • Reverse Phone Number Lookup

  • 24/7 Support


For team

$44.99 /Quarterly

  • Offender Address Search (185 Searches)

  • Data security

  • Reverse Phone Number Lookup (185 Searches)

  • 24/7 Support